Tauranga Youth Advisory Group: Outvote Boomers.
Youth Voting Campaign.
After years of being called ‘the me-generation’, New Zealand’s youth have been reacting against Boomers, with two simple words: “Ok, boomer.”
Our client, NZ Youth Advisory Group, noticed a problem. Their relatively passive response wasn’t actually going to change anything, because they were disengaged in NZ’s local elections. So, we created a strategy to leverage this intergenerational battlefield, to increase the amount of youth voting in the 2019 Tauranga local elections.
Aka. Boomerville.
Tauranga had the lowest voter turnout for 18-24s of any major city in NZ’s 2017 general election, with 35% not turning up to vote, vs. Wellington’s 9.8%. We just had to find a way to inform them, and then make them do something about this numerical advantage. We thought the best way to stoke this fire would be to hijack a moment that Tauranga’s youth come together to discuss the big issues - over a beer.
We partnered with Mount Brewing Co. and launched Outvote Boomers. A beer that gave a solution to the hearts, minds and mouths of Tauranga’s youth. With classic boomerisms such as: “Your generation can’t take a joke”, “You could afford to buy a house if you stopped buying all those fancy coffees”. We turned cans into billboards and gatherings of mates into plotting guerilla warriors – stimulating apathetic youth into militant local body election voters.
When surveyed, 91% of our Instagram fans voted in the Tauranga election. We also saw a 2% increase in voting from the previous election.

Wave achieved what we thought was impossible - motivating young people to get involved in local elections. The 'outvote boomers' campaign exceeded expectations and the results speak for themselves.